Thursday, April 7, 2011

more snow?!

    Just when I was thinking that I made it through the longest winter of my life, today it started snowing.  I'm not  talking about a little bit of snow, but large golf ball sized snowflakes causing my drive home from the FRG meeting slow and painful.  I must admit that my heart actually hurts a little bit because it has been so beautiful, sunny, and warm (20's-30's is now feeling balmy...).  Aside from the sadness from the snow, I was able to witness the panic that all the military is experiencing knowing that there is a very real possibility that nobody will be getting paychecks until a deal is made by congress.  Luckily I do not work at the hospital on base and will receive a paycheck no matter what happens with this situation however this is a very scary time knowing that in 1995 there was a 90 day period where the government was not getting paid.  This means no commissary on base, limited health care provided, no daycare.  Essentially during my hour long FRG meeting I was able to feel the wave of panic that is slowly taking over Ft. Wainwright.   I feel terrible for the families that rely completely on military income to put food on the table and hope that an agreement can be made that is reasonable and cuts spending.  It is a scary time but if nothing else this just reinforces the need for a rainy day fund.  It will be a long 26 hours waiting to see how this plays out. 

1 comment:

  1. You know the saddest part is that the majority of the citizens in our country do not have a clue that military families are affected by such a thing.They equate the govt. not making salary as affecting congress and those offices and do not care. If only they knew.
