Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Occupational Health Day

As every new employee knows there is the beloved trip to occupational health before you start working.  Because I am not capable of peeing on demand unless it is borderline an emergency I had some anxiety about my 9am appointment (also I remember this time in high school where I had to pee in a cup and was unable to do it and my mom made me drink water from the drinking fountain until I could go so we didn't have to come back.  Eventually she caved and we came back but I am still slightly traumatized).  I told myself that I was not going to go to the bathroom at all this morning so starting at 7:30 I was tapping my foot.  Luckily everything went okay (I know you were all extremely worried) and the ladies in the clinic were extremely nice and increased my excitement about working in the ED.  They started telling me all sorts of crazy stories of things that have happened down there and my eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.  I think I am going to like this gig and I'm certain I will have the kind of stories that you just can't make up if you tried.  I am trying to figure out a way that I will be able to share some of the things I see without getting in trouble with HIPAA and getting fired after I just got the job.  Either way it was a positive experience at occupational health and then I followed it up with a workout class for spouses wives where I meet my friend Savannah  every MWF (yes, I have a total of 3 friends in all of jealous people) for the killer butts and gutts workout where it was just us and the instructor so we were not able to cheat at all.  I will sleep a lot better tonight because I don't have to fear my trip to occupational health and because I am so incredibly sore that you could probably bounce a quarter off my back end right now. 

1 comment:

  1. I believe you can get around HIPAA by making up names and dates. 1) making up names is fun, because you get to call them what they should be called. 2) I have a feeling that if your CNE doesn't even have a masters yet, she probably isn't going to figure out your HIPAA violations via blogging. Just throwing that out there.
    3) I love your captains blog.
