Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Job

  So one of the things that I think will help this year be successful is to be busy, therefore I have started another job: Flight Nursing.  I am currently working for Warbelows Air Ambulance as one of their flight nurses ( I just wrote my bio. so it should be up shortly on the website).  I have always wanted to do flight nursing because there is something very appealing to an adrenaline junkie who always wants the sickest of sick patients to actually be the first responder.   While I lived in D.C. I  considered  doing flight nursing however the thought of being in a helicopter was slightly terrifying, luckily since Alaska is such a massive state it is not possible to use helicopters, only fixed wing planes.  Perfect.  I have done about two months of training where I have been focusing on the first responder roll (i.e intubations, chest tubes, cricoidotomy, etc...) and it is official, yours truly will be flying to remote Alaska in order to provide medical care.  So far it has been a lot of fun and I have definitely been able to see many different parts of Alaska that I am certain I would be unable to see otherwise.  Most of the remote native villages are not accessible by roads and it truly is a life changing experience to fly into a village where the children flock to the plane just to get a chance to see white people.  It is definitely helping me pass the time and it is also helping me see this massive state that I now call home.  I am excited to be able to offer my skills to these wonderful people and to be able to extend my knowledge in nursing as well.  Feeling hopeful that this will help the winter pass a little quicker!

Here are some pics. that I have taken:
Here I am ready to go, and yes I have to wear a flight suit...

My close up view of the pilots:

Not a bad view: